Guidance issued by the Access Disputes Committee to the Allocation Chair and Hearing Chairs
The contracts by which the Access Disputes Committee appoints the Allocation Chair and Hearing Chairs require the dispute resolution processes to be conducted subject to the Access Dispute Resolution Rules but also having regard to any guidance issued by the Committee from time to time.
In the interests of transparency, the Committee considers it appropriate that all current guidance be published on its website.
It should be noted that, irrespective of the Committee’s guidance, the over-riding obligation of the Chairs is to act in accordance with the law, with all decisions (including determinations and decisions on procedure) being in accordance with the law [see ADR Rule A5].
Click the relevant document title to see the associated guidance.
Guidance to the Allocation Chair
Guidance AC/2012/1 - Conduct of Allocation hearings by telephone (or video) conference
Guidance to Hearing Chairs
Guidance HC/2012/1 - Conduct of Directions Hearings by telephone (or video) conference