Freight Track Access Contract:   Schedules


This Page was last updated on 13th February 2009



Schedule 5:   the Services


Rule, clause or Condition


Date of Hearing

Points made within Determination  (Verbatim extracts given in Italics, or between quotes)

2.4  “Spot Bid Services”


January 2009

17.      The Panel took cognisance of the fact that FL was currently operating Train Slots 4R60/61 as Spot Bid Services.   Network Rail grants the right to operate such Spot Bid Services by virtue of the Offer that it makes in response to a Spot Bid (in conformity with Condition D4.5).    However, under the terms of paragraph 2.5 of Schedule 5 to FL’s Track Access Contract the right to operate Spot Bid Services is time constrained (“The duration of any Spot Bid Services shall not exceed six months”).    This limit applies even if the Spot Bid in question has been described as a “rolling Spot Bid”; this is a “custom and usage" term that has no defined contractual status. (TTP257)